The Trump Administration’s Legacy in World Politics: An Assessment


Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 08:24 WIB

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Trump's administration also faced criticism for its policies on immigration and refugees, which were seen by many as a violation of human rights principles.

Trump's administration also faced criticism for its policies on immigration and refugees, which were seen by many as a violation of human rights principles.

The Trump administration’s legacy in world politics has been a subject of debate and analysis since the end of his presidency. While some argue that his administration made positive strides in foreign policy, others believe that his approach has left lasting negative impacts on the global stage.

One of the key aspects of Trump’s legacy in world politics is his “America First” foreign policy approach. Trump’s emphasis on putting American interests above all else led to a shift away from multilateralism and cooperation with traditional allies. This approach caused tensions with countries such as Canada, Mexico, and Europe, and created a more transactional and unpredictable approach to diplomacy.

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Another key aspect of Trump’s legacy in world politics is his approach to trade. Trump’s administration pursued a protectionist trade policy, with a focus on renegotiating trade agreements and imposing tariffs on countries such as China. While some argue that this approach helped to level the playing field for American workers, others believe that it damaged the global economy and eroded the United States’ role as a leader in global trade.

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Trump’s foreign policy approach also had significant impacts on global security. His administration pursued a policy of military disengagement, pulling troops out of conflict zones such as Syria and Afghanistan. While this approach was popular with some segments of the American public, it also raised concerns about the impact on stability and security in these regions.

Another key aspect of Trump’s legacy in world politics is his approach to international institutions. Trump’s administration withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Iran nuclear deal, and the World Health Organization. This approach caused significant disruption to global efforts on issues such as climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, and global health.

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Finally, Trump’s legacy in world politics also includes his approach to human rights and democracy. His administration was criticized for its lack of emphasis on these issues, with many arguing that his approach created a more permissive environment for authoritarian leaders around the world. Trump’s administration also faced criticism for its policies on immigration and refugees, which were seen by many as a violation of human rights principles.

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